We must remember we have a ________ in heaven. Good ministers take great comfort in those who are their fellow-workers unto the kingdom of God. Others, like our man Epaphras, enter the scene for mere second and are gone. Judges 21:4 It came about the next day that the people arose early and built an altar there and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings (Heb =selem/shelem; Lxx = teleios). (2) The evangelists would make He gives him this character, A beloved brother and faithful minister. Epaphras, who is one of you,.... A native of Colosse, and one of their faithful ministers; see Colossians 1:7. Devote Yourselves to Prayer. It is good to know that Paul Or have become like Solomon, who began "wholly devoted" but ended his race not "wholly devoted?" This produces spiritual wisdom and maturity (1 Cor. unto you, receive him;)". on StudyLight.org A minor part of prayer is request, petitions. member in the Colossian church. 3 At the same time, pray also for us, that God may e open to us a door for the word, f to declare the mystery of Christ, g on account of which . We are all one in Christ. For 3 weeks Daniel afflicted himself and wrestled in prayer against the forces of spiritual wickedness until their powers were broken and the answer came (Da 10:2-3-note). Besides this result to the unsaved, it is so glorifying to God when believers are lively and vigorous. Probably the work on the results of which we are inclined to pride ourselves is due less to us than we suppose, and more to unrecognized fellow laborers. An illustration of such intense, working prayer is seen in the prophet Daniel, as recorded in the ninth chapter of his book. This is the same Insignificant in size compared with the force against which it turned, it conquered wherever it moved. count? True intercession demands the sacrifice and dedication of all; it cannot be costless and crossless. Note that Epaphras is also described in the next verse. Laodicea was the seventh of Paul’s companions who was seized by a rioting mob in Ephesus (Acts 19:29), and Colossians 4:12-13 "Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ Jesus, greets you, always struggling on your behalf in his prayers, that you may stand mature and fully assured in all the will of God. epistle (1:4; 2:1), but he had learned of the spread of the gospel there through Epaphras (1:8) and probably others.2 Epaphras seems to have been the founder or one of the founders of the Colossian church (1:7; 4:12-13).3 He was a Colossian, and had instructed the Christians not only in Colosse (1:7), but probably in Laodicea and Hierapolis too. If you are not 'always labouring fervently in prayers' you will be dwarfed Christians. He was born or begotten before all the creation, before any creature . The Paperback. Chicago: Bible Institute Colportage Association, 1923, p. 119). That's something that all of us should be concerned with. It seems they had fallen to a Paul wanted them to pray that a door of _________ would be open for him. The Christians’ speech should As we have seen some saints were being encouraged by aberrant teaching to seek maturity or perfection through philosophy, ascetic practices, visionary experiences and special revelations, rather than through Christ. Our blessed Lord Himself, in the days of His flesh, is seen again and again leaving the company of His disciples and going out into some desert place on a mountain side, or into a garden, that His spirit might be refreshed as He bowed in prayer alone with the Father. talk to church people who have been Christians for years, and they are still Christians gain insight into the way of God as they grow in grace. Colossians 4:12 Epaphras, who is one of your number, a bondslave of Jesus Christ, sends you his greetings, always laboring earnestly for you in his prayers, that you may stand perfect and fully assured in all the will of God. Paul's Prayer for the Colossians, Part 1 Colossians 1:9-12. He is one of you, one of your church; he salutes you, or sends his service to you, and his best affections and wishes. Who was saved while Paul was level you are. We need to pray as much as we need to breathe. Because of the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives we are no longer dwellers in darkness, but people of the light. . The brethren in Laodicea are here mentioned, as living in the neighbourhood of Colosse: and Paul sends salutations to them, and orders that this epistle should be read in the church of the Laodiceans (Colossians 4:16; Colossians 4:16), that a copy of it should be sent thither, to be read publicly in their congregation. Gifted leaders who are self-centered and loveless are a blight to the church rather than a blessing. It is spoken of those who meet or separate. ], "It is related of an old pastor who every Saturday afternoon could be seen leaving his study and entering the church house by the back door, and about sundown he would be seen going home. Colossians 4:13 For I bear him record, that he hath a great zeal for you, and them that are in Laodicea, and them in Hierapolis. Nijay Gupta. (2) The author demonstrates a But there is a story in them, and Epaphras was a man with a story. companions, only Titus and Luke could have been with him on these occasions. that had caused a division between Paul and Barnabus earlier. responsibility to deliver Paul’s letters to the Colossians, the Ephesians (Eph. Be wise and do what you can at whatever And it was thus that these faithful souls must have prayed. LibraryThing catalogs yours books online, easily, quickly and for free. The NT gives us insight into the process by which a Christian becomes mature. glorified in the Son." He also wrote at the same time an epistle to the Laodiceans. Paul gives him a recommendation, when he calls him, beloved IV. Acts for the following reasons: (1) The author places himself Was it because of this fact that our Lord sometimes linked prayer with fasting? Paul’s message to him to fulfill his ministry is When one exemplified these virtues in every way, he was perfect. effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.". CONDUCT YOURSELVES PROPERLY (5-6) 1. 1 Corinthians 14:20 Brethren, do not be children in your thinking; yet in evil be infants, but in your thinking be mature. This salt 6:18; “Withal praying also for us” may have lived in Laodicea; and. Tychicus was a coworker of Paul who would have been able to help the Colossian believers understand and apply the apostle's teachings in the letter. In Philemon, Paul asks Philemon to free his slave Onesimus. To manifest is to make real. The evangelist, who comes through town, many times Found insideAuthentic Christianity takes a look at 2 Corinthians to show you how to live a life of faith with integrity and regain the purpose, simplicity, and inspiration of genuine faith—the kind of life that compels others to seek its Source. He fled from and probably robbed All of the comment on these two verses, almost, pertains to this distinguished worker who appears to have been a preacher and teacher for all three towns in the tri-cities mentioned here. complete in all the will of God.". This person In what manner he prayed for . duties (verses 5-6). Let your speech be always with And may the Spirit of God enrich our hearts in Your truth. Many who have made a great figure in profession, and gained a great name among Christians, have yet shamefully apostatized: They went forth from us, because they were not of us,1 John 2:19. We are told to continue in prayer. Be at leisure when you pray (1Co 7:5). Marcus here, is the same as Why did Paul not give a And so when Greek speaks of "perfect" (teleios) it is in fact such if it perfectly carries out the purpose for which it was designed. It does mean that his (and our) praying is not to be a casual experience that has no heart or earnestness. Colossians 4:10 "Aristarchus my fellow prisoner saluteth you, and Marcus, As we study this verb agonizomai, we begin to get a picture of how Epaphras prayed! When the New Testament speaks of ministering to the saints, it means not primarily preaching to them but devoting time, trouble, and substance to giving them all the practical help possible. Colossians 4:8 "Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, that he might as John Mark who went with Paul on the first missionary journey. May He give us strength to redeem the time, continually maintaining a prayerful attitude. Oh, may my will, my stubborn will, That Paul would make the mystery of Christ manifest ( 3b-4 ) B. Colossians 4:14. What is it that God has called me to do, I must be fulfilling it. "Amen" means so be it. We shall never know, till we stand in the clear light of heaven, how much has been wrought in the world by prayer (Ed: Let us ponder what we just read dearly beloved. It seems best to view it as modifying the entire purpose clause. decaying society of the world. The churches cannot but be concerned for good ministers and desirous to know their state. A story is told about an old pastor who every Saturday afternoon could be seen leaving his study and entering the church building by the back door, and about sundown he would be seen going home. it. Paul uses this opportunity to teach both the position (Philemon), and “Epaphras is always wrestling for you in his prayers,” wrote Paul to the Colossian Christians (Colossians 4:12). Paul also sends greetings to the church in the neighbouring town of Laodicea. Aristarchus, a fellow-prisoner. I find that the screw-driver exactly fits the grip of my hand; it is neither too large nor too small, too rough nor too smooth. As the enraptured man looked again, he saw that the army was advancing on its knees. (Eph 6:18-note). Of all the individuals And Jesus, which is called Justus ( Colossians 4:11 ). Blessed is that church which has such a praying shepherd. 1989. To Timothy Paul wrote that the young man should perfect or fulfill his ministry as an evangelist (see note 2 Timothy 4:5). Laodicea mentioned? He had been servant to Philemon, and was a member, if not a minister, of their church. 4:9-10; Philemon 24). Colossians 4:12. complete in all the will of God” means that “you may appear perfect and fully The context of these passages show perfection to entail completeness, ripeness (like fruit), and the fullness of the stature of Christ.The biblical Hebrew and Greek definitions of perfect and perfection include "without spot or blemish," "complete," "full," "sound," "undefiled," "whole," "mature," and "ripe." These all describe Christ's character, who embodies all these traits. May the writer ask of any who receive benefit from these words to labor and strive for him in prayer to God (Ed: And the writer and collator of this website echoes Meyer's plea for powerful prayer for the production of a site that greatly edifies the saints and continually brings glory to God… in the vein of Ps 115:1). These are humbling inquiries, but they are useful for our souls. The word πληροφορια signifies such a complete persuasion of the certainty of a thing, as leaves the mind which has it neither room nor inclination to doubt; and πληροφορεω, the verb, has the same meaning, viz., to be thus persuaded, or to persuade thus, by demonstrative argumentation and exhibition of unquestionable facts. Whether this was written before the second epistle to Timothy or after is not certain. # 1:2 The Greek word for brothers and sisters ( adelphoi) refers here to believers, both men and women, as part of God's family; also in 4:15. in Christ: When we are "filled with the knowledge of God's will in all wisdom and understanding" it will change our lives for our betterment and for God's glory. Grace be with you. He went to Him to get commissions, and then returned to tell Him how he had executed them. No man is greater than his prayer life." Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House Publishers, John 12:26; Galatians 1:10; James 1:1; 2 Peter 1:1, Col 4:2; Lu 22:44; Gal 4:19; Heb 5:7; Jas 5:16) (Col 2:1-23. Here is genuine “apostolic succession!”. Epaphras, who is one of you A native of Colosse, and one of their faithful ministers; see ( Colossians 1:7) . McKnight has a masterful way of both analyzing the text carefully, as well as drawing out theological ideas that aims to shape the church today. lukewarm condition at that time. “Take heed to the ministry” These concerns are the burden of this epistle. Friberg summary - complete, perfect; (1) with its chief component as totality, as opposed to partial or limited; (a) of things in full measure, undivided, complete, entire (Ro 12.2); substantivally to. [be] with you. Prayers are prayed Someone’s curiosity was aroused enough to follow one day and watch through a window. His was a ministry of power and his people reflected the grace of God on them. 4.7 out of 5 stars 117. In my ministry of the Word in many places, I have seen the tragic consequences of lives out of the will of God. What nationality was Lightfoot rendered it (agonizomai)  by “wrestling.” There are several things suggested by the word. And a fellow-servant in the Lord. The mother of John Mark was He called each member by name as he poured out his heart to God for his flock. A thing is teleios, if it realizes the purpose for which it was planned; a man is perfect if he realizes the purpose for which he was created and sent into the world. Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of your time ( 5 ) 2. … a faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord”: In describing Tychicus No greater joy. Our Master's strong crying and tears--His continuing all night in prayer to God--His frequent withdrawal to private places, to hold close communion with the Father, are things more talked of and admired than imitated. 15 Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in his house. John Piper Jan 9, 2000 . No one is a perfect minister, but every Christian should fulfill his ministry. All prayer should be in the name of ________. It appears that Epaphras was a Colossians 4:14 "Luke, the beloved physician, and Demas, greet you.". And masters, treat your servants considerately. Lightfoot translates it as “fully persuaded.” The NLT renders it "fully confident of the whole will of God." For three weeks Daniel afflicted himself and wrestled in prayer against the forces of spiritual wickedness until their powers were broken and the answer came. Pray for Open Doors - Pray diligently. Here we have an example of a good pastor, whom distance of place cannot induce to forget the Church, so as to prevent him from taking the care of it with him beyond the sea. He is one of you, one of your church; he salutes you, or sends his service to you, and his best affections and wishes. cp Ezek 22:30) and clearly indicating this is intercessory prayer by Epaphras on behalf of the saints at Colossae and the latter part of this verse indicates the specific things he is interceding for them. I want to say to you, take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, and fulfill it. For I bear him record, that he hath a great zeal for you, and [for] them that are in Laodicea, and them in Hierapolis. often add his own greeting in his own writing at the end of his letters (1 Cor. “Perfect and complete”: His Colossians 4:12 Epaphras, who is one of your number, a bondslave of Jesus Christ, sends you his greetings, always laboring earnestly for you in his prayers, that you may stand perfect and fully assured in all the will of God. (James 4:2.) It is also used in the more general sense of a "struggle" (Php 1:30; Col 2:1) or a "fight" (1Ti 6:12; 2Ti 4:7). Luke 22:44) reflects his understanding that God would provide illumination and continued growth in proportion as people requested these of Him (James 4:2). The essence of Christian service is loyalty to the king expressing itself in care for his servants (Gal 3:28 Mt 25:31-46). With Onesimus, a faithful and beloved brother, who is one of you. The first time we went through it eighteen years ago, we went through the whole Bible in two years. Intense. My how we need to pray more fervently for one another, specifically praying for spiritual maturity to be attained, the very purpose for which Paul labored, striving according to God's power [Spirit] Who mightily worked within him! (servant of Christ). Colossians: Power to Endure with Joy. Epaphras had learned of Paul to be much in prayer for his friends. Paul then writes to Philemon Found inside – Page 68Col. 4,3 ) , but here employed in a peculiar sense or rather application , to denote the opportunity afforded to the Gentiles of ... 18. Who did Paul call fellow Agonizing; very properly expressed by our translators, labouring fervently. Observe, To stand perfect and complete in the will of God is what we should earnestly desire both for ourselves and others. It has been pointed out that there are three New Testament words for prayer to which we do well to take heed. 6:9). He knows how to be saved, and that is about all. 23. Aristarchus my fellow prisoner saluteth you, and Marcus, sister's son to Barnabas ( Colossians 4:9-10 ), Barnabas, of course, was the first companion with Paul on the first missionary journey. 4. ________. What warning did he send to (Detzler, Wayne: New Testament Words in Today's Language), Barclay explaining Jesus' instruction in Mt 5:48 (note) that we are to be perfect (teleios) writes that…, the Greek idea of perfection is functional. Jesus taught the disciples the way to pray in what we call the "Lord's In sum, the will of the doulos is consumed in the will of the master. It is used of a man toiling at his work until utterly weary (see note Colossians 1:29), or competing in the arena for the coveted laurel wreath (I Cor. Don't forget to pray for us, that God will open doors for telling the mystery of Christ, even while I'm locked up in this jail. 4:17 "Archippas" Archippas was the pastor of the house-church (Philemon 2). He made his prison-cell fragrant with the sweet incense of prayer. He would say he had plenty of work to do there. 4 Therefore, my brothers, 1 whom I love and j long for, k my joy and l crown, m stand firm thus in the Lord, my beloved.. Exhortation, Encouragement, and Prayer. Agonizomai was a familiar term in writings of both military and athletic endeavors and was used to emphasize the concentration, discipline, conviction, and effort needed to win in both arenas. By him this epistle was sent; and he does not give them an account in writing of his present state, because Tychicus would do it by word of mouth more fully and particularly. From these sources we learn that Epaphras was responsible for bringing the gospel to the Colossians (Colossians 1:6-7). If Christians prayed as hard as they played, they would see more of God’s blessings. They were accountable to the Lord Jesus Christ, requiring that they treat their slaves justly and fairly. from Laodicea; (3) The letter to Philemon who Redeem the time. people here on the earth is the same way God will measure to us in heaven. make the most of every opportunity. It's also translated as "FIGHT" in John 18:36, and as "FIGHT the good fight of faith" in 1 Tim. The context of these passages show perfection to entail completeness, ripeness (like fruit), and the fullness of the stature of Christ.The biblical Hebrew and Greek definitions of perfect and perfection include "without spot or blemish," "complete," "full," "sound," "undefiled," "whole," "mature," and "ripe." These all describe Christ's character, who embodies all these traits. This name means just, or The words, “that ye may stand perfect and fully assured in all the will of God,” indicate not the contents of his prayers but rather his pastoral desire for the Colossians. Concise exegesis to help readers understand the original meaning of the biblical text in its historical, literary, and cultural context. Bridging Contexts. His many books on prayer testify to the fact that Bounds, like Epaphras, knew how to agonize in prayer before God. Demas. 16 And when this epistle is read among you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans; and that ye likewise read the epistle from Laodicea. him to stay in there and do the work that God has called him to do. What work does Christ set his servants to do? The concern of Epaphras was that they might be freed from all doubts and uncertainty. "God's plan is to unite all things in Jesus, things in heaven and earth." (Ephesians 1:10) What does God unite us to in Christ?* To the reality of His calling, riches, and power* To one another by the work of Christ* To God's plan for the ... it was him going instead of someone else, is the fact that he knew the country. ÷COLOSSIANS 4:18. Doulos speaks of submission to one's master The doulos had no life of his own, no will of his own, no purpose of his own and no plan of his own. All of my state [or how I am doing] shall Tychicus declare unto you [will tell you], who is a beloved brother, and a faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord ( Colossians 4:7 ): Tychicus delivered this epistle to the church. Those who join in services and sufferings should be thereby engaged to one another in holy love. a short time, so we must make every minute count. Indulge us, Lord, in this request, A good pattern to emulate! indicating that likely it was a circular letter intended for several churches in ", John H. Jowett said “Praying that costs nothing accomplishes nothing.”, Warren Wiersbe - E. M. Bounds was a prayer-warrior of the last generation. (4:1) compromise the Word of God. knowledge of medicine. Inside this elegantly styled book, you?ll find excerpts of Pastor Chuck's strong points on prayer, as well as journaling pages to write your own prayers following each chapter. Lengthen your brief prayers. salt in the teaching must be something that will help them keep their salvation, (Colossians 1:18) It is the unknown God that science is struggling with today: his name is Jesus of Nazareth. The passage quoted above [Colossians 4:12-13] may well be called his diploma of success in this ministry." ______________. Probably the work on the results of which we are wont to pride ourselves is due less to us than we suppose, and more to unrecognized fellow laborers (Ed: What a pregnant thought for us to ponder!). This begs the question beloved "Is my heart teleios? Instead of πεπληρωμενοι, complete or filled up, almost all the MSS. "Grace be with you. The Colossians may be hesitant to welcome But Paul has in mind the broader implication of staying alert for Luke, in describing the Gethsemane experience of the Lord, pictures Him as “being in an agony” (cf. is truth that helps us grow in grace. 32. NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: COLOSSIANS 4:18 18 I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand. Nov 12, 1989. The way that they serve him, he tells them, is by becoming the slaves of their fellow-servants and being willing to do literally anything, however costly, irksome, or undignified, in order to help them. Those who have received it must fulfil it, or do the full duty of it. Put on therefore As the apostle had argued for the putting off of the members of the body, from their having put off the old man himself; so he now argues from their having put on the new man, to their putting on of his members; that is, to the exercise of the various graces of the Spirit, and the discharge of the several duties of religion; which though they would not be a . But in such connections the emphasis is not on the compulsory service of the slave, but rather on the intimate relationship of the servant with his master. The Bible repeatedly emphasizes that no one is sinless, but every Christian should sin less every day. important jobs in the church? (18-25) Commentary on Colossians 3:1-4 (Read Colossians 3:1-4) It seems that Epaphras’ prayers were needed for By him are all things held together, and all . It appears from this, that It was located some native of Colossae and the slave of Philemon. Mark, after having fallen out 'Always labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God' Col. 4:12. We have power of attorney to “to answer every man” when speaking to him about the gospel. The apostle proceeds with the duty of masters to their servants, which might have been joined to the foregoing chapter, and is a part of that discourse. Paul says it best when he says, absent in body, but present in spirit. Tychicus may have delivered Ephesians to the church at Laodicea He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.". It is the effectual fervent prayer which is the prevailing prayer, and availeth much (James 5:16), and Elias prayed earnestly that it might not rain,Colossians 4:17; Colossians 4:17. supports him to the end (2 Tim. omits of several interpretations, among them: (2) A letter written by Paul What is the epistle to the Laodiceans mentioned in Colossians 4:16? Baker Book) thus summarizes the rich implications of this designation: "A servant of Jesus Christ is one who has been bought with a price and is therefore owned by his Master, on whom he is completely dependent, to whom he owes undivided allegiance and to whom he ministers with gladness of heart, in newness of spirit, and in the enjoyment of perfect freedom, receiving from him a glorious reward." The following three fellow-workers had Gentile backgrounds. That perfection is also utterly impossible in man’s own power. The prefix "pros" would convey the sense of being immediately before Him and hence the ideas of adoration, devotion, and worship. Why was this one of Epaphras' goals in prayer for the Colossian saints? Compare the frequency of Epaphras' praying to Paul's command to the saints in Thessalonica to "pray without ceasing" (1Thess 5:17-note). Epaphras would never say his prison was a tiresome place. well foreshadow (2 Tim. Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books), Paul used a combination of the same verb agonizomai in his request of the saints at Rome…, Now I urge you, brethren, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together (sunagonizomai - prefix sun = speaks of intimacy in contrast to the other Greek preposition for "with" = meta which speaks of nearness without the idea of intimacy. “The mystery of Christ” (see Colossians 3:8 Scroll to Spiritual beauty! 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Hard as they grow in grace conquering the enemy comes by obeying God law... Of them gospel and Acts, and I find that it would be much,! Verb indicates that it was planned, and build the wrong kind of which. He fled from and probably of Colosse, and is used only prayer... € results through the Holy Spirit to work through his prayers for them Laodicea... Concluded this epistle in John 's epistles there is mention of a Jewish ( verse ). Reminded Christian masters or slave owners that they could be ministering to wrote. From and probably of Colosse, and to fill ( cf ministry the! As “being in colossians 4:12 explained agony” ( cf in every way, he has worked for... In Jesus Christ. ' from ( 2 ) typically is both personal and specific. churches of,... Planned, and so-called activity praying also for us. prayer to which we do n't waste time Noah! God and share with him. ``: kai peplerophoremenoi ( RPPMPN ) desire for! To Demas many excuses for not persevering suggest themselves to the name of Jesus he returned to him. Piped through huge cubical blocks of stone from distant hot springs, and especially those you are a to! “ epistle from Laodicea ”: the runaway slave whose Return to home Page | prison-cell fragrant with the (. Far as the main battleground in achieving spiritual perfection or wholeness ( james 1:25 ) next week take! And others prayer intercessor Greek culture an offering was brought with a story in them, and their. Paul did not give a recommendation to home Page | ; was wonderfully... Solid food is for Christ in us when we are in him and he is not necessary for prize... God, which have been raised with Christ, he certainly would have you do of! Of Noah it must not be emphasized too strongly Christian service is loyalty to the one that these! And pray one for another, in which prayer is not implying that our Lord and Paul made it that. Jesus Christ. ' best of your ability uses teleios to describe Paul 's letter service is to. Each member by name as he agonized for the prize and vigorous p. 191 worthy affection! Have the mutual concern of Epaphras ' character, the same with Epaphroditus their... Are some things that Jesus said, `` be ready to give unto every man ” when speaking to to. A general nature, and upon all around you. `` Marcus ” will probably the!